Inspire Therapy from Red River ENT Associates

Wondering where your health and energy have gone?

Sleep apnea is a thief. It steals your energy by disrupting your sleep each night. If you’re suffering from obstructive sleep apnea, you’re not alone in your pain and frustration.

Obstructive sleep apnea affects at least 25 million adults in the U.S., according to a 2014 study (1). Your condition doesn’t have to be the end to your productivity, happiness, and health.

Take a stand against your sleep apnea and the symptoms that complicate your life. Schedule an appointment with the experts at Red River ENT Associates.

How Delaying Treatment for Obstructive Sleep Apnea Threatens Your Health and Wellness

Obstructive sleep apnea is not a minor inconvenience. Because sleep apnea results in your breathing stopping and beginning again, your sleep cycle restarts. This prevents you from getting a good night’s sleep.

And what happens after you don’t get enough quality sleep? You’re likely to feel drained of energy and anxious, and have a difficult time concentrating on your work and connecting with your family. In addition to these issues continuing for an extended period of time, neglecting treatment can increase your risk of the following:

  • Depression
  • High blood pressure
  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • Stroke

Don’t let your sleep apnea cause long-term health issues by avoiding treatment. You deserve to be happy and healthy. Safe, effective treatment options are available to you. Learn about Inspire therapy below.

What is Inspire Therapy?

Sleep apnea causes your breathing to stop, which forces your body to wake you up so you can breathe. Inspire is an airway stimulation therapy. The therapy is administered through an implanted device that facilitates your natural breathing process.

Inspire is:

  • FDA approved
  • Clinically proven
  • Able to reduce or eliminate the symptoms of sleep apnea
  • Able to reduce or eliminate snoring

The small Inspire device has three primary implanted parts that work together to keep your breathing consistent at night. These parts include the stimulation lead, generator, and breathing lead sensor.

How Inspire Brings Relief to Obstructive Sleep Apnea Sufferers

Inspire stimulates your hypoglossal nerve while you’re sleeping. This nerve is responsible for how the muscles located in your airway move, including your tongue. This stimulation is initiated when it recognizes an alarming change in your breathing pattern. It keeps the tissues in your throat from obstructing your airway, which allows you to breathe normally and get the sleep you want and need.

While the device is implanted in your body, you control this system with the Inspire Sleep Remote. This remote allows you to turn the therapy on before you go to sleep, off when you wake up, turn the stimulation power up and down, and pause the therapy if desired.

Could inspire work for you? How to Determine if You’re a Candidate for Inspire

If you’re suffering from obstructive sleep apnea (moderate to severe) and have been unable to get consistent results from or use a CPAP machine, Inspire may bring you relief from your symptoms and give you the full benefits of each night’s sleep.

Inspire is a recommended treatment for sleep apnea sufferers who are over the age of 22 and not significantly overweight. To determine if Inspire will work for you, schedule an appointment with an Inspire therapy-trained ENT who can conduct an examination and learn more about your condition, body, and needs.

Get your sleep and health back with Inspire from Red River ENT Associates’ Dr. Wold.

If you’re ready to get your sleep and health back in line, explore Inspire therapy, administered by Red River ENT Associates’ Dr. Christian Wold. Dr. Wold is a board-certified Otolaryngologist Head and Neck Surgeon. He specializes in sinus and allergy disorders, including sleep apnea.

Don’t delay relief. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Wold at Red River ENT Associates, proudly serving Alexandria, Louisiana and beyond. Set your appointment with by calling 318-321-5500 or by requesting an appointment below.

Request Your Appointment


  1. Rising Prevalence of Sleep Apnea in U.S. Threatens     Public Health (American Academy of Sleep Medicine)
  2. Videos are Courtesy of Inspire Therapy
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