SINUVA™ for Nasal Polyps

Reduce Your Congestion From Nasal Polyps, Increase Your Enjoyment of Life

Health complications, whether nasal polyps or a broken bone, require your attention or they will continue to negatively impact your life. When it comes to polyps, you could be risking your sense of smell, ease of breathing, drainage flow, sleep, and more. It may also be causing troublesome sinus infections and obstructing airflow.

Are you ready to get your polyps out of your nose and off your mind? Take the first step towards relief by scheduling an appointment with the ENT experts at Red River ENT.

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Introducing an FDA-approved treatment for your nasal polyps - SINUVA™

As a sufferer of nasal polyps, you’re likely aware of the majority of your options, which can include multiple surgeries, medications, nasal sprays, or doing nothing at all. A new FDA approved treatment for nasal polyps is available from Red River ENT.

With an in-office procedure, you can receive SINUVA™, a sinus implant that is clinically proven to reduce nasal obstruction and congestion, and significantly improve impaired sense of smell.

How does SINUVA™ work?

During a routine office visit, SINUVA™, a non-surgical treatment option, will be placed into the affected area. The implant expands the sinus cavity, opening it up and reducing your blockage. SINUVA™, over the course of 90-days, then applies a steroid to your polyps. After this period, the implant will be removed from the comfort of our office.

Red River ENT, located in Rapides Parish and serving Alexandria, LA, is an expert team of physicians and clinicians dedicated to your health, wellbeing, and comfort.

Learn how SINUVA™ works, safety information, and if it’s the right treatment for your nasal polyps. If you are 18 or older and experience recurrent nasal polyps, schedule an appointment today.

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