
Sinus Headaches

Sinus Headaches

Sinus headaches are caused by a blockage of normal sinus drainage. The obstruction causes mucus to build up and get trapped in your sinuses.

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New Technologies Can Lead to Hearing Loss

New Technologies Can Lead to Hearing Loss

Hearing loss can be either a sudden or a gradual decrease in your ability to hear. Depending on the cause it can either be mild or severe and temporary or permanent.

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Understanding Ear Infections

Understanding Ear Infections

More often than not, ear infections affect the middle ear where the eusthachian tubes connect to the back of your nose to your ears. During an ear infection, these small tubes become blocked, causing a build-up in the middle of the ear.

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Worst States to Live in for Allergy Sufferers

Worst States to Live in for Allergy Sufferers

Red River ENT Associates is located in the heart of Central Louisiana in Alexandria, where individuals who have allergies, suffer the worst.

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Ways to Treat Nasal Allergies in Central Louisiana

Ways to Treat Nasal Allergies in Central Louisiana

Nasal allergies occur when allergens in the air affect the nasal passages. They can be caused by a range of allergens, including pollen, animal dander, mold, feathers and more.

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Dr. Webb Discusses Chronic Sinusitis Treatment

Dr. Webb Discusses Chronic Sinusitis Treatment

Dr. Renick Webb was recently a guest on New Channel 5 which covers Central Louisiana, where he discussed chronic sinus infections also known as sinusitis.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Balloon Sinuplasty

Frequently Asked Questions About Balloon Sinuplasty

A newer, minimally invasive option called balloon sinuplasty, uses a small catheter to place a balloon in the sinus cavity to then expand the area for a permanent fix.

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Dysphagia: Symptoms and Treatment Options

Dysphagia: Symptoms and Treatment Options

Swallowing is so simple to a majority of people. However, an estimated 15 million people in the United States suffer from Dysphagia, or trouble swallowing.

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